Productivity Tips To Conquer Morning “Work Dread”
Isn't it awful when we wake up in the middle of the night, from a perfectly great sleep - worrying about all we have to do tomorrow?
It's actually happened to me twice already this week, so I thought talking about it, would be a good reminder for us both.
Here Are Three Simple Productivity Tips To Help You Sleep Easy And Double Your Effectiveness
1. At the end of every day, spend 5 minutes and write your to-do list for the next day.
2. Make it a brain dump of everything you have to achieve. Anything you can delegate to your team - do it. That will make your list shorter and a much better use of time.
3. Then prioritize each task into A - Most Important, B - Somewhat Important and C - Needs To Get Done But Not So Important.
Then when you sit at your desk the next day, you're not swamped with feeling overwhelmed, and you're not wasting an hour trying to figure out what is the best use of time.
These simple strategies work for me every time.
Let me know if they work for you too!