“Is This The Only Book On Marketing You’ll Ever Need? … We Think So.”
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Julie Guest
It all started with a homemade pair of underwear …
I’ve been building successful businesses from the time I was a teenager. It all started with an unlikely pair of homemade boxer shorts. That’s when I discovered the power of marketing to take something small and unknown and blow it into something huge. In my opinion, knowing how to market your business, is the best super-power there is. It means that no matter what the economy is doing, you’ll always be able to successfully navigate the future. And, perhaps most importantly it also means you are in complete control of your income.
Of course building a successful business involves a lot more than great marketing, but as you’re in business to make money, it makes sense to ensure your business is built on a solid marketing foundation.
So, now that you’re here, where’s the best place to start?
Subscribe to The Client Stampede Podcast on your favorite podcast channel.
Join my weekly campfire, Monday Marketing Gold
read or listen to The Client Stampede Book
Those are all excellent places to start. Got questions? You’ll find me on Facebook or Linkedin.
Here’s to your even greater success!
marketing journal
How To Repel Customers
Knowing who your target market is not, is sometimes just as important (or even more important) than knowing who your target market is. Don’t be afraid to use repellant messaging in your marketing.
Think Like The Fish
The reason why so much marketing doesn’t work, and the quick easy way to fix it using the Client Stampede marketing formula
what coaching and programs
do you offer?
I currently offer two training programs as part of Marketing School - one for entrepreneurs & business owners and one that is specifically niched for aesthetic medical practices. However I suggest you don’t dive into these without reading The Client Stampede Book first so you can see if you are in fact a hare …
I have a New Business, is this for me? What about an established business?
Yes to both! Even if you haven’t yet started a business, knowing the RIGHT way to build your business and market it is going to fast track your results, prevent you from wasting enormous amounts of time and money and help you be successful. BUT this is not for you if you’re not willing to put the work in too make your business successful. If you’re ready to do this, I’m ready to help you. Start by reading my book, then dive into GROW. By doing just these two things you’ll be 97% ahead of your competitors.
Will I learn digital marketing and social media marketing from you?
I love digital marketing and use it a ton in our agency for our clients, but you have to understand that it’s a marketing tactic only. Without the right strategy sitting underneath any of your advertising campaigns - whether social media, digital, or traditional, you are literally throwing your money away. My 11 year old could run an ad campaign on TikTok or Facebook but that doesn’t mean she’s a marketer. Yes we do cover some digital marketing strategies in GROW but The Client Stampede is all about helping you use strategy to get ahead, faster.
Will The Client Stampede
Work For MY Business?
The answer is resounding YES. You only have to look around to see that all your competitors look and sound the same in their marketing because … they all copy each other (or their ad agencies do). The Client Stampede Formula® is all about following a proven system to make your business stand apart from everyone else in your industry. The best, freshest ideas come from OUTSIDE your industry which is one of the reasons why this formula is so powerful.
Is the client stampede formula®
hard to implement?
If you’ve read the book you’ll know that it’s just seven simple steps to follow, beginning with Step 1. You follow the bouncing ball from Step 1 to Step 2 and so on through to Step 7. The hardest thing about marketing is having a framework to follow - most people just dive straight into running ads and then wonder why their phones don’t ring. Or they jump around from expert to expert with half-implemented tactics. There is a MASSIVE difference between marketing strategy and marketing tactics. You have to have the right strategy underlying EVERYTHING YOU DO when marketing your business. Once you have this right, then running ads for your business becomes easy.
Are you a hare? (I am). Read Chapter 1 of the Client Stampede and see if you are too - hares make the best entrepreneurs ..